We’ve just survived a brutal, swassy heat wave here in New York and I swear, you couldn’t pay me to cook in my kitchen these days. Luckily, protein bars and happy hours have been sustaining me, but man, I’m really fiending some of my own food.
I started flicking through some of the dozens of unposted food photos I have on file and picked this homemade asparagus ravioli with lemon zest and mascarpone with seared scallops to share today. I made this earlier in spring time, at the beginning of asparagus season and cheated by using wonton papers which I’ve used for other recipes as well. (Link to that post here) I’d love to try this with ramps or garlic scapes (maybe too late in the season??), or some other funky farmers market vegetable. I’ll definitely be trying this dish again.
Asparagus Ravioli with Lemon Zest and Mascarpone
- zest of 1lemon
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1 bunch asparagus
- 1 small dish of mascarpone cheese (about
- block of Pecorino or Parmesan
- 1 bunch chives, finely chopped
- 2 cloves garlic (optional), smashed or rough chopped
- S/P to taste
- wonton papers
Rinse and pat dry the bunch of asparagus and cut each stalk just below the crown. Set the crowns aside for garnish later*. Cut and discard the dried or discolored bottoms of the stalks. These are normally dry and tough and not tasty. Rough chop the remaining stalks and toss into a food processor.
To the food processor, also add: 2 cloves of rough chopped garlic, a handful of chopped chives (they are so mild I love using a lot), 1 teaspoon of lemon zest, 4 – 6 Ts of the mascarpone, 1/4 cup of pecorino, cracked pepper (hold on the salt until you taste the blended mixture). Pulse the mixture in the processor until mostly smooth and incorporated. Taste and adjust flavors accordingly. Salt, more garlic or more cheese might be necessary. The consistency should be a bit stiff and asparagus-y; you don’t want the creaminess of the cheese to drown out that flavor, or for the filling to be too soggy.
Once the filling is a good consistency, prepare your station and start assembling your raviolis. For this, you need:
- a big plastic cutting board
- a drying rack (wipe with oil or spray it with Pam to keep the raviolis from sticking)
- small ramekin of water
Lay out the wonton papers onto the cutting board and place a small dollop of filling in the middle. Dip your finger in the ramekin of water and wet the edges of the paper. At this point you can either fold the wonton into a triangle, or place another wonton paper on top (recommended) to keep its square shape. Make sure the edges are sealed fully and place on the drying rack.
Once all the raviolis are assembled and drying, boil water a shallow pot. Add salt and one layer of raviolis. Cook 2-4 minutes until the wonton paper is tight around the filling. Continue to cook the rest of the raviolis (or freeze the remainder). Use a slotted spoon to place on a pretty platter or on individual plates.
*In a saute pan, heat a generous splash of olive oil and saute the reserved asparagus crowns with a few pinches of the chives for 2-3 minutes until al dente. Distribute evenly among the plated raviolis.
Garnish the asparagus ravioli with lemon juice, lemon zest, chives, and pecorino. The pasta water, olive oil and lemon juice will naturally create the sauce for the dish. I served mine with seared scallops, but chicken or salmon would be awesome as well!
Yum! Two of my fav things- ravioli and scallops!
Good taste, Leia :p Let me know if you end up trying them!